After nearly a month and a half of praying before the Lord and talking with many wise people we have decided on our next move serving the Lord. Our next move, Lord willing, will land us (pun intended) in McNeal Arizona where we plain to serve with New Tribes Mission Aviation.
New Tribes Mission Aviation Hanger in Arizona. |
In October 2015 we met with New Tribes Mission Aviation representatives at the NTM "Field Fair." This is where representatives from nearly every field of NTM come to tell us about their ongoing ministries and needs on the field. This is how the ball got rolling which led to a trip in January just after the 1st of the year.
Since we've returned from Arizona we have been praying about this opportunity and where the Rockwell family would fit best in the NTM organization. We can say with strong confidence we feel NTMA would be an excellent fit for our family.
It is an incredible place and ministry in Arizona. NTMA trains pilots and mechanics to go on from this facility to serve throughout the world in remote areas to keep tribal church planters supplied and in the tribe! That means more dedication to getting the Word of God to the unreached!
"Millions Unreached...None Unreachable." |
Thank you all who have partnered with us so far in this journey and we look forward to what God has in store!
So cool Rockwell's! So thankful the decision has been made!