Just before we ended our 1st Semester here at the MTC for Christmas Break we had some cool experiences and another huge blessing and praise to share with you. God continues to blow us away and amaze us with His love and blessings. Even when He has nothing left to prove to us or anyone for that matter, He keeps showing His goodness time and time again...and just when we need it!
We are excited to share that we have been blessed having received our "elinc advisors." In Lehman's terms that is MTC speak for mentors. Many of you have prayed or have been praying for us in this area as we have been in prayer and searching for just the right people to pour into our lives while here at the MTC. Words cannot express our gratitude and thanks for our prayer warriors out there!
We gratefully introduce to you Grant and Alana Mayer! Grant and Alana served as missionaries in Boliva. We are rapidly becoming good friends as we get to know them more and more. They are such a blast to be with and they will be helping us with Christian life, marriage and parenting as we meet on a regular basis. It is such a blessing to have such awesome godly people to be friends and grow with! Thanks again for praying!
We had two opportunities to see our children perform in Christmas performances and they were both great! We were so proud of them!
This is Grace's class just before their Christmas program. Grace is in the middle with a gray top on. This class is very busy and a handful, but Miss Sandi (on the left) and Miss Anna (on the right) do a fantastic job with them! |
Here is our Grady moments before he performed in his school Christmas play the "Gingerbread Cowboy." He was the "Coyote" and did a fantastic job! We were able to enjoy some goodies together before we all left together and headed back to the MTC for one more class. As soon as class let out we started our trek back to Bluffton for Christmas break. |
Thanks to Tim and Julie Eicher's family ministry "Eicher House Ministries" we were able to have a beautiful home to lay our heads at night and celebrate our very own Christmas together. What a blessing and encouragement! Thanks Tim and Julie!
After a great Christmas with extended family we traveled to Michigan to visit our friends at Litchfield First Baptist. We stayed overnight with some of our awesome friends Jason and Michelle Boulis and went to First Baptist the next day to worship. First Baptist is an incredible group of believers that took us in as family while we lived in Michigan. We love them dearly and it was so nice to be able to worship with them once again!
On the way from Litchfield we stopped when we saw this great sight in Auburn. "Bigfoot!" The kids couldn't resist and it was awesome to see their faces when seeing the massiveness of this vehicle.
A few days later after bringing in the New Year with some good friends Rob and Joy Martz, we went out to visit New Tribes Mission Aviation in Arizona. From this 600 plus acre facility New Tribes Mission services the world of New Tribes by training, retraining and equipping pilots and airplane mechanics. These pilots and mechanics keep our New Tribes missionaries alive and working well in the tribe by flying missions of food and support to our missionaries in the tribe. Something new about New Tribes Mission Aviation, it is now subsidizing flights to other missionary agencies and even nationals who need to get to certain areas to spread God's word but don't have the money to do so. Through generous supporters NTMA is now able to pick up the remaining balance of a flight so missionaries can get where they need to get.

One of the beautiful settings around NTMA in Arizona. The great weather helps to make this facility a hopping place constantly training pilots throughout the year. Another attraction is the tricky landscape of the mountains which have runways supplied by generous neighbors or NTMA that try the skills of pilots in a simulated, close to real life scenario they will face in places like Papua New Guinea when landing and taking off.
NTMA has asked us to consider serving with them in Arizona because of the skill sets Kent has that are greatly needed there. We will keep you posted as the Lord reveals more to us about this possible option in ministry to complete the task of reaching those who have never heard. NTMA's slogan is "MILLIONS UNREACHED...NONE UNREACHABLE."
After returning to Indiana we hopped in a vehicle with this group and headed out to Pennsylvania to "Wayumi." "Wayumi" is an NTM ran facility that helps people understand what our role is in God's Great Commission and what tribal missions looks like. This is just part of the group. I couldn't find a picture of our people from Litchfield First Baptist. An incredible group of people!
This was a little look into our break in which nearly 7,000 miles in travel accumulated. God is good as He always is and now we are back settling in to the MTC in Missouri. Thank you all for your continued prayers of support! We love you all.
Kent, Brenda, Grady, Grace and ?
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