Same Rockwell Clan just a different locale
As New Tribes Mission prepares us for the situations of missionary life and in foreign contexts we spent plenty of time in the classroom this past semester.
Our classroom setting looked like this for the most part throughout our 1st semester.
Some things we covered that we're learning about are: our personalities and the personalities of others and how that affects accomplishing tasks day to day with our teammates, growing in our marriage, growing in parenting, understanding why New Tribes uses "Building on Firm Foundations" to teach the gospel to the unreached, and understanding the task is not finished simply because we have shared the gospel and a person becomes a Christian....we learned what is needed
Many beautiful evenings were able to be spent like on the lake for supper.
A rare opportunity presented itself to us all at the MTC (Missionary Training Center) when New Tribes Mission Aviation came for a visit in one of their helicopters. They offered free rides to students at the MTC and Grady and Kent got the chance of a lifetime to fly in it!
It was a priceless moment as Grady could hardly contain his excitement and amazement.
Grady and Kent enjoyed the little flight that took them high above the Lake of the Ozarks. It was so fun for Grady he wanted to get back in line and go again, but we had to give our friends a chance to ride too.
October was a busy month. This month included a neighborhood party with ribs and other fixins', Halloween, Grady's Birthday, a visit from Grammy and Pa and another surprise!
Fun, food and fellowship here at the MTC. What we are so used too in Bluffton!
Even the kids got in on the action!
Grady celebrating his 7th Birthday with some of his Missouri buds.
Grammy and Pa came to visit us to help us celebrate and make Grady's 7th Birthday a hit. Grammy and Pa were a huge blessing, they treated us to some great times of hanging out and showing us how to have fun. We missed seeing them go.
At Halloween we all dressed up and went door to door here at the MTC facility. It was a blast had by all who participated. The line Kent wrote was "Three of these people are pretending to be something or someone but one person is not can you guess who?"
This is how the crazy month of October ended for the Rockwell family...Blessing number 3 due in June of 2016! We are very excited!! Thank you Lord!
November was a fun time that we were able to have reuniting with family for shenanigans like this!
In between Thanksgiving and Christmas we were invited to meet up with our close friends from Bible School in Jackson, the Casey family in Springfield. One place they treated us to upon arrival was an awesome restaurant titled Lambert's Café, which had HUGE portions and hot rolls that were literally thrown at you by waiters and staff. So much fun was had as we renewed acquaintances on this super fun weekend. The Casey family will be leaving us soon to head for Belgium to "Shine the Light" there in a heavily Muslim influenced country. Please remember them in your prayers if you think of it!
Missionary life can be so sad at times when you have to say goodbye so many times to such good friends and people. It is one of the hardest parts of this lifestyle. Fortunately our hope isn't in this world or life for that matter. Our hope and trust is in the Lord who saves. One day we will never again have to leave one another when we are gathered around His Throne. It is the hope we put our faith and full trust in.
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