Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A True Blessing to the Rockwell Family

Late in May we sat in a local Bluffton Indiana bank signing our house off to it's new owner. With every pen stroke we knew we were headed down a road of not only uncertainty, but no return. With the last dated signature, we were to be homeless in less than 30 days. 2 Chronicles 20:12 says, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." Our comfort was knowing God was in control of everything.  The thing we didn't know was God was about to seriously bless our lives with an incredible Godly couple and their beautiful children.
Within days of our closing, a routine dentist appointment turned into something much greater. A visit was planned to the home of a very loving and generous family. A brief tour and talk resulted in a peace from the Holy Spirit days later. The result was we were to be blessed by God by living in the home of Kyle and Marci Lockwood for the next ten week. Two of the most kind, loving disciples of Jesus Christ our family has ever met.

Kyle and Marci in front of the beautiful home in Bluffton.
Seemingly moments after we moved in to Kyle and Marci's basement, Grady wasted no time establishing a relationship with Kyle and Marci's middle child Emry. Grady and Emry are very close in age and their friendship hit the ground running. The Lockwoods had an enormous fenced in backyard with a sandbox. The kids would seemingly be outside sun up to sun down. They practically babysat themselves while together. While typing this I asked Grady what he would say about Emry he simply said, "I love you."  Throughout the weeks Grady grew to like Wrigley, who is Kyle and Marci's oldest, a boy of seven years. Wrigley is very active and athletic, which could only be a positive for Grady. The three kids, along with Grace, tagging far behind at times, would run about to and fro expelling energy until they were forced to crash in their beds at night fall.
Soldier, the Lockwood's youngest was the apple of our eyes. Upon first couple of meetings with Soldier he would slinky down the stairs until spotted and then jet back up them in a furious escape. Within a short time he came to love our attention and eventually let us hold him. He was so fun and had the cutest smile!
Here is the whole awesome family and Soldier with his light up the world grin.
(Front Left to Right: Emry, Wrigley, Soldier. Back: Kyle, Marci) 
Here is another picture, but this time Soldier was distracted by a passing truck.
As you can see, the sandbox was a popular place to hangout!
Here is the whole clan posing for the camera. Sometimes with young children pictures are impossible, but these guys did pretty well.

This was an awesome time for the Rockwell Family. God is so good and so are his people (Kyle and Marci).  We were very sad to leave, as we were able to establish a great friendship. We enjoyed eating supper together on many occasions, great conversations, playing cards, eating popcorn and watching a movie.  Kyle also broadened our horizons on Apple products and set us up very well with a newly acquired Ipod. Ten weeks went by way to fast!  We would not have traded a single moment with the Lockwoods for anything. It was such a blessing to get to know them the way we have been able too.  We can't wait to return to Bluffton and see them once again. 
If you ever get the chance to cross paths with this incredible family take time to chat with them, you won't be sorry! God is doing great things in Bluffton too, and the Lockwoods are the proof!

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